Sep 27, 2010
Newly Added Vintage

Sep 25, 2010
Cleaning up the Farmhouse
We were in much need of a facelift and projects needed to get done.
One of those projects is our new website!!!
We are still working out some quirks so bear with us if fonts are too big, links don’t go anywhere and things just aren’t cooperating.
Either way we are gradually making the move and we've love for you to stop by for a visit.
Also, just posted about another project over there...
Window Treatment Collection

...sorry we won't be posting it here.
Would love for you to stop by and say hi!
Window Treatment Collection
Ya ever put things off for no apparent reason? Is it laziness or maybe fear? Or maybe just a bit of procrastination?
Whatever it is I have had great intentions of adding handmade items to the Classic Farmhouse.
From time to time I would get ambitious and post a little something in my shop.
It would sell.
I would do a little happy dance!
Then back to my comfort zone of vintage.
Well enough is enough...
I'm breaking free of procrastination, fear and putting things off!!!
Welcome to my new collection of window treatments with Classic Farmhouse flair...
I've been making window treatments for myself, friends and family members for as long as I can remember and decided this was going to be my place to start.
So exicted to see where this goes...
Join me?
What have you been dreaming of doing?
Sep 24, 2010
Thanks to Pretty Little Vintage
Pretty Little Vintage was kind enough to make me her featured seller for the week!
Quite honestly though that's not the only reason I like her blog.
She may be new on the blogging scene but she's full of style and worth the visit.
Her darling blog is filled with wonderful vintage flair.
Stop by and read her feature on the Classic Farmhouse...
then take the time to browse around...
trust me, you won't be disappointed!
Sep 17, 2010
Home Office in a Chest
What an amazing piece of furniture! Not only is it a gigantic antique style chest but it stores everything you could ever want in a home office.
Now if I only had the space (and money) I'd run out and get one...
Sep 4, 2010
Sep 2, 2010
Riding Boot Obsession



$795.00 (yikes!)

ummmhmmm...ok now back to reality...
Thankfully for those of us who do not have an expendable budget there are a slew of stores on etsy and even a number on ebay with fabulous second hand choices at fair prices (all under $100)...

All above are from the etsy stores (left to right) GirlLeastLikely, BlueGrassBooty, TheVintageVoice, AllenCompanyInc, jforney000, txVintageBootsShoes, GrannyVintageShoes and PureVintageClothing.
As for those on Ebay I'm not yet willing to share...
I'm afraid you might outbid me...