A new dear friend of mine had invited me to join her this past weekend for the Skagit Valley Antique & Flea Market in Mount Vernon, WA. We had planned this a few weeks ahead and I was so excited to get away even if just for a night!!!
After a rough start with a dead car battery we hit the road and headed to my friends parents farm for the night. Ever since my trip to Spokane last spring I have been obsessed with wanting to move to a farm so needless to say I fell in love as soon as we pulled in the driveway!!!

The setting was so serene and what is that I hear? ...ya, that would be nothing!!!! Oh how I loved it!

I wish I had taken way more photos as the interior of the house was even more wonderful and a vintage lovers dream! Every nook and cranny was full of
treasures and stories to be told.

My bedroom was on the upper floor and was oh so cozy with a comfy bed, vintage decor, painted wood floors, slanted ceilings and the quaintest view.

Can you spot those two lonely wrought iron chairs and the wood bridge...I just love it!
I could have just hung out at her parents (who I greatly enjoyed meeting and getting to know!) farm all day but we (my friend, her mother and I) didn't want to miss the good deals and headed off to the Antique & Flea Market.
It was a gorgeous day and just right for shopping. There were 7 or 8 barns to go through so we didn't waste anytime and started browsing. I had no idea what to expect but was not disappointed. Again, I wish I would have taken more photos, as well as more money and possibly a trailer. Between the three of us we packed my smaller
SUV to the brim! Here are a few things I found:

I got a few other things and then of course my friend and her mom got some very cool things as well. There were barn loads more of items!!! There was even a booth that most everything was 25cents! I could have spent so much more and will be marking my calendar again for next year...in fact I can't wait!
Now I just have to decide what to keep and what to pass on...want to help me decide?